13 questions answered after I got stung by a stingray

It's been an eventful past few days and a rather interesting New Year's Eve. Last Thursday, I was at work trying to service some equipment at low tide and needed to walk through an intertidal area. The site was rather rocky, covered by thick mats of Sargassum seaweed during the blooming season. As I was... Continue Reading →

How to watch coral sex for noobs

Today marks my fourth attempt trying to observe and document the annual coral spawning event in Singapore. I suppose it's rather apt that I'd be spending my Labour Day watching corals go into labour. Coral spawning refers to an event where multiple different coral species simultaneously release bundles of eggs and sperm for a few... Continue Reading →

Moalboal’s sardine run

Hopefully going to find the time to dedicate a few posts to the amazing trip Gwen and I took to Cebu. One of the highlights of our trip was to watch the sardine run in Moalboal. Moalboal is located on the southwestern part of Cebu Island, in Central Visayas, the Philippines. We stayed close to... Continue Reading →

Citizen science and nature-based tourism

Today is World Migratory Bird Day! One of the best activities to join on the resort is the citizen science birdwatching program. Guests are given a photo checklist of common bird species around the resort as well as a pair or binoculars for them to record their sightings. This birdwatching program starts early…at 7 am... Continue Reading →

Life on the water’s edge – Mapur Island

Today, we visited one of the local islands, Mapur. Mapur Island is situated within Kabupaten Bintan, an area of 4729.05 km² that is protected for its rich marine biodiversity. It is located approximately 16 kilometres east of Bintan and is famous for some dive sites such as the Igara Wreck that sits at the bottom of the... Continue Reading →

A new journey…Bintan, Indonesia

After my six month stint in the Maldives, it was time for me to return to an area closer to home. I was fortunate to have the incredible opportunity to work as a Conservation Specialist in the Banyan Tree Bintan Conservation Lab. In the Maldives, there's an incredible amount of research and monitoring done on... Continue Reading →

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